Sunday, March 17, 2013

Scottish Shortbread

The Scots got one thing right-their shortbread. Let me brief you a little on this fantastic tea-time treat. There are basically two kinds of shortbread, the thinner kind that is usually a denser, crunchier cookie, or there's the thicker, chewier kind as well. I like both, but right now with the cold weather and everything, I'm always craving a perfectly soft, warm buttery cookie right out of the oven. The kind you can savor each bite, while it melts in your mouth and satisfies your palette. Yep, the Scottish definitely scored big time with this one.

This recipe is super easy. There aren't any complex instructions or hard to find ingredients. As long as you don't fear making dough (which I did for the longest of time), this recipe will be a great after-work snack to make. The only important thing is to make sure you score the dough with a knife prior to baking, then cut it completely right after it comes out of the oven. This will insure that the pieces don't fall apart, and the dough won't rise. One other thing, you should really let them cool in the pan before you eat one, but if you're impatient like me, just stick it in the refrigerator for a few minutes to let it firm up.

Yeah not my best picture, it was so rushed because everyone was lining up to get some! I couldn't even let it cool all the way!

So let's just take a minute to thank the Scottish. I actually found out somewhat recently I have some Scottish heritage on my mom's side, which also spurred me to make this recipe. Let's also thank Baking Bites, which is where I got my recipe. The pics on that blog are a lot better than mine. I was in kind of a rush so i only got about 1 or two. Other than that, I really hope you enjoy this recipe. It goes really nice with a glass of milk or hot tea, a blanket, and a good book. Enjoy, and "here's tae us, wha's like us? Damned few an' they're a' deid", which is a classic Scottish toast, according to Ominglot. :)

Scottish Shortbread:
3 cups flour
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup unsalted butter, chilled
1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat the oven to 350. Whisk together flour, sugar, and salt until blended. Put mixture in a food processor. Mix in the butter and vanilla until mixture forms a sandy texture. (Alternate method for those patient enough to try: Rub in the butter and vanilla with your hands). If dough is too dry, mix in a tablespoon of cold water, or more, to make the dough come together. Press dough firmly into a 9x9 inch pan, making sure it is even on all sides. Lightly score the dough with a knife, making squares/bars (which will be the shortbread's serving size after it bakes). Bake about 30 minutes, or until lightly golden. Immediately cut all the way into the knife marks made earlier. DO NOT REMOVE FROM PAN, at least until cooled. Serve warm, or store in an airtight container. Enjoy!

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